PSW Blitz


A weekend permablitz with Permaculture Sydney West the last weekend of September – wow!  Many apologies for so few words but we wanted to share this with you before more time passed.

Over 20 people came to help – some brought a caravan, some camped in the orchard, some stayed in town and the rest stayed in our house. 

So  many jobs done, lots of learning, lots of laughing.  Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who came and for all you did for us.  Here are some pics from the weekend.

The structure for our new shadehouse
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Pruning lessons with Annette Jones
Weeding the heritage fruit orchard and planting with green manure
Replanting the murraya
Removing soil from the top of the containers
Annette Owen-Mulder

Annette Owen-Mulder

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