The Edible Forest

Welcome to The Edible Forest, Annette Owen-Mulder and Les Mulder’s organic farm at Wherrol Flat.

Sunset and a storm at The Edible Forest Permaculture Farm
Sunset and a storm

We raise cattle and pigs, grow heritage fruit trees and a large range of vegetables. Annette uses the products of the fruit trees and veggie beds to make fabulous jams and preserves. We sell all of these things at local farmers’ markets.

In permaculture, the edible forest is a low maintenance and highly productive polyculture.  It overproduces compared to monocultures and contains many different ecological niches, which are all occupied by useful species.

Our Edible Forest is a 56ha (140 acre) demonstration permaculture/holistic management farm 10 minutes out of Wingham, NSW. We are building permaculture gardens and housing, as well as raising a variety of animals.

In conjunction with Manning Landcare, we have run a number of field days, around Keyline concepts and permaculture design.

Our aim is to use this web site to document the journey we’re on, learning our new trade and building a sustainable farming enterprise.

Cattle and Landrover at The Edible Forest Permaculture Farm


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